We’ve seen a few midges hatching here and there but not too many at the moment but it won’t be long until we get the first full wave. They’ll probably arrive with the next rainy period which is forecast for next week. Midges live in the ground for the first part of their lives and only change into the flying insect if the conditions are right! The image below shows the cycle.

Brilliant ! is all I can say ….. such a simple and elegant solution to a problem that has plagued photographers since the invention of the camera. At last I can actually see something through the viewfinder without being eaten alive ! Great value and very well made. My collection of old, unsatisfactory midge nets have been consigned to the bin, and as these are indispensable for my trips I’ve bought a second pair as a spare. Well done Tim…. the photography community owes you a medal for saving us from the ‘Highland Terror’.