Midges are just a fact of life if you live or visit the Highlands of Scotland. Particularly on the West Coast where the Smidge ratings for midginess are consistently 5/5. Sometimes a repellent just doesn’t cut it and a headnet is the only answer.
MidgeSpecs midge nets are the industry standard which means stronger netting, better stitching and the perfect sized mesh to stop those bitey blighters!

If you’ve used any midge nets, you’ll know how much they obscure your vision. And when you’re in the most beautiful landscape in the world (Scotland – I’m biased) you want to see it clearly!
Our glasses are standards compliant safety glasses, made of strong polycarbonate and with an anti-fog treatment. We have two different glasses, an overglasses which is great with standard glasses but are also better ventilated, and a standard safetey spectacles, which are slightly more compact. We can also create bespoke head nets with the glasses of your choice.
Depth perception is obscured by midge netting so with glasses you’ll walk, scramble and climb more safely.
If you’re a painter or photographer, seeing is your business. Make sure you can see the bigger picture!
Midge nets are just sweaty but with the glasses to hold them away from your face, you’ll sweat less and the net won’t stick.
OK – you can’t look cool in a midge net but at least you can feel cool when everybody else is getting ravaged!
Tim Parkin is a photographer and climber from Scotland who was fed up not being able to see through the viewfinder of his camera and also not being able to see the small hand and foot holds while in the hills. On a mission to develop the ideal solution, he tried multiple iterations on friends, family and colleagues until the best combinations of each component and the most robust way to integrate them was discovered. At the back of Ballachulish is a small shed where he beavers away producing the new must have item for the outdoor highlander!
We want to know what your experiences have been like with the dreaded Scottish midge. We know they’re not always a pain and don’t stop us enjoying our beautiful landscape, but when they
Review by TGO Magazine
We sent a few MidgeSpecs to The Great Outdoors (TGO) magazine, including a new custom version, and they have given us a great review which you can see here. I really love the picture of David's family wearing the different versions! The middle version is available at...
Dave Macleod and Dave Cuthbertson endorse the new Highland Fashion
Dave Macleod had a pair of the first of the current design of MidgeSpecs and I had been wondering how he had got on with them. According to his recent Instagram post, he seems to have put them to good use whilst climbing near the Cobbler. Dave 'Cubby' Cuthbertson...
Midges to get worse in the Highlands!
The Guardian has posted some good news for our business (and unfortunately, bad news for tourists!). It seems climate change is making the midge problem worse, so much so that the National Trust have added midge conditions to their safety assessment forms! I'll...
Review by Chris Townsend
Passionate outdoor enthusiast and writer, Chris Townsend, has written a glowing review of our MidgeSpecs on his blog. He says "The MidgeSpecs are a big advance. I've also worn them over my reading glasses and that's fine too. The wide view through the glasses gets rid...
Review by Mike Prince
Landscape photographer Mike Prince has written a review of our Midge Specs and published it on his website. Mike had reviewed the NetSpex that were made nearly a decade ago and were part of my original inspiration for MidgeSpecs. When NetSpex stopped making their...
2024 Midge Season Starting
We've seen a few midges hatching here and there but not too many at the moment but it won't be long until we get the first full wave. They'll probably arrive with the next rainy period which is forecast for next week. Midges live...